How to Start Using Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are particularly useful for vision correction. Once your oculist prescribes your glasses or lenses, you should first learn to wear the lenses.
Wearing glasses is a lot more effortless than wearing lenses. Since contact lenses remain in close proximity to your eyes, you need to be extra careful about their usage to avoid eye infections.
However, contact lenses always offer more comfort and are a hassle-free choice compared to glasses. Before you start wearing contact lenses, here are a few guidelines and tips you should keep in mind.
Types Of Contact Lenses:
Based on your power and other vision conditions, your oculist will suggest you soft contact lenses or hard lenses. If you have allergic tendencies, your oculist might suggest hard lenses.
No matter the type of lenses, make sure to use the contact lens solution for keeping lenses safe and clean.

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How To Put In Contact Lenses:
If it is your first contact lens, you need to be careful about using it. Every pair of contact lenses comes with a contact lens case. You should use it to keep your lenses safe from dust and damage when not wearing them. The followings are a few useful tips for wearing contacts for first-time contact lens wearers.
- Step 1: Wash your hands before wearing the lenses with soap and water. After drying your hands, place one lens on your index finger top.
- Step 2: Check if you have taken out the soft contacts for the right eye or left eye. Now rinse the lens in solution.
- Step3: When you hold the soft lenses on your fingertip, the shape should be like a bowl. If the lens is upside down, turn it over gently. Ensure that there are no scratches or damage there on the lens.
- Step 4: Hold your upper eyelid and lower eyelid of the appropriate eye with one hand and place the lens gently on the pupil while wearing lenses. You can use your middle or ring finger for holding the upper eyelids.
- Step 5: You can also keep a magnifying glass in front of your eyes to comprehend the placement accurately.
- Step 6: After placing the lens in your eyes, close your eyes gently to let the lens settle.
- Step 7: Repeat the same process for the other eye.
How To Remove Your Contacts:
Removing the lenses carefully is as critical as placing them in the correct position. Follow the steps mentioned below to keep your eyes healthy and infection-free.
- Step 1: You should always keep your hands clean and dry while touching the lens. Therefore, wash your hands and dry them using a lint free cloth before removing your lenses.
- Step 2: With the help of your middle finger, keep the upper eyelid wide open.
- Step 3: Now use the ring finger of the other hand to stretch the lower eyelids and place the index finger on the lens.
- Step 4: Slide the lens slightly downward and pinch it out. Now, you can repeat the same process for the other lens.
Wearing and removing lenses become easy and effortless with practice. No matter the brand, contact lenses are always the perfect fit for hassle-free vision correction.
How To Maintain Contacts:
Besides wearing and removing hard lenses, soft lenses, or rigid gas-permeable lenses, you need to take good care of every variety of lenses to keep them clean and hygienic for your eyes. The day your eye doctor prescribes you lenses, learn about their maintenance regime.
A multipurpose contact solution is ideal for keeping your lenses clean and moist throughout the night. Never go to bed wearing the lenses no matter how tired you feel. Use your lens case to keep your lenses safe from dust when not in use.
Sometimes doctors also prescribe hydrogen peroxide solutions for patients with eye sensitivity. For these solutions, you need a neutralizing disk to turn the solution into saline.
Do not use tap water or rewetting drops for rinsing or cleaning the lenses.
Tips For Healthy Eyes:
If you wear contacts, you should follow the below-mentioned tips to ensure zero eye infections.
- Replace your old pair of lenses with new contact lenses from time to time. Check the expiry date of the lens and replace it accordingly.
- Always use a fresh solution for keeping the lenses. Using used solutions can contaminate the lenses, causing eye problems.
- You should never sleep wearing the lenses. This rule applies to all contact lens types, including: monthly contact lenses and 2 week disposable lens.
- Try to avoid swimming or bathing, wearing your lenses.
Never miss out on your annual eye check to keep your eyes healthy for a long time.
Contact lenses are one of the best choices for students, professionals, and almost people from all walks of life. Consult with your eye doctor to know about the best lens type for your eyes without bothering about how to start using contact lenses.
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