How to Take Care of Your Eyes in Summer: 10 Tips for Eye Care

take care of eyes in summer

As the summer season approaches, it’s crucial to prioritize eye care in order to preserve good vision and prevent potential eye health problems. In this article, we will explore ten crucial tips for maintaining eye health throughout the summer. From wearing the proper eyewear to practicing good eye hygiene, we’ll show you how to take care of your eyes during the summer. So, are you prepared to enjoy the sunny days while protecting your eyes? Let’s dive in!

Short Summary

  • Protect your eyes with appropriate eyewear and UV-protected sunglasses.
  • Wear sun-blocking accessories like wide-brimmed hats and UPF clothing.
  • For optimal eye health, maintain eye hygiene, stay hydrated and nourished, prioritize sleep & rest, and schedule regular eye exams

Safeguard Your Eyes With Proper Eyewear

glasses and contact lenses on table

The significance of proper eye protection cannot be overstated, particularly during the summer when the sun’s harsh rays are at their peak. Wearing protective eyewear not only protects your eyes from harmful UV rays but also provides necessary protection during various outdoor activities.

Let’s look at the different types of eyewear you should consider incorporating into your summer eye care routine.

UV-Protected Sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses with 100% UV protection is a must when it comes to eye protection, even on cloudy days. UV rays can have short-term effects like photokeratitis or photo conjunctivitis (commonly known as “snow blindness”) and long-term consequences like cataracts and skin cancer of the eyelids.

So, always opt for sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays and make them fit properly to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Remember, your contact lenses alone may not provide full protection.

Swim Goggles

Swimming is a popular summer activity, but it is essential to protect your eyes while in the water. Wearing swim goggles can protect your eyes from irritation and prevent exposure to bacteria and microorganisms that can cause infection.

It’s also advised that you avoid swimming with contact lenses and instead opt for prescription goggles or daily disposable contact lenses. To further reduce the contamination risk, rinse your eyes with fresh water after swimming.

Protective Eyewear for Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities like woodworking, yard work, and sports can all expose your eyes to potential harm. Wearing proper protective eyewear, such as wrap-around glasses, can reduce eye injuries by up to 90%. Wearing these is essential in protecting your eyesight.

Remember to choose eyewear that protects the sides of the eyes, particularly in environments where corneal abrasions or chemical burns are possible.

Dont forget to order your contacts for summer!

How to Take Care of Your Eyes in Summer: 10 Tips for Eye Care


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How to Take Care of Your Eyes in Summer: 10 Tips for Eye Care

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Embrace Sun-Blocking Accessories

Sun blocking accesories

Sun-blocking accessories can shield your eyes from harmful UV rays in addition to proper eyewear. Your eyes and the delicate skin around them can be protected from the damaging effects of the sun with wide-brimmed hats and UPF clothing.

Let’s look at how these accessories can help safeguard your eyes this summer.

Wide-Brimmed Hats

Wearing a hat with a wide brim can effectively reduce up to half of the UVB rays that may harm your eyes or eyelids. To provide adequate protection, opt for a hat with a brim width of at least 3 inches

A bucket hat or “boater” with a wide brim that wraps around the entire hat is an excellent choice for maximum coverage.

Combining Hats and Sunglasses

Consider combining sun-blocking accessories such as wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses for optimal protection. This combination will provide additional UV ray protection from the sun, lowering the risk of skin cancer and sunburn.

Even a baseball cap’s brim should be about 3 inches wide to provide adequate eye protection.

See also: Dry eye syndrome How To Stop And What Causes It

Maintain Eye Hygiene and Avoid Infections

eye hygiene

Keeping your eyes clean and maintaining proper eye hygiene is critical in preventing infections, especially during the summer. Regular hand washing and refraining from rubbing your eyes can significantly reduce your risk of communicable diseases and eye-related conditions such as conjunctivitis.

Let’s look at the significance of hand washing and avoiding eye rubbing in maintaining eye hygiene.

Hand Washing

Hand washing is a simple yet effective way to prevent germ transmission and keep yourself and others healthy. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and clean running water, especially before and after touching your eyes, applying eye drops, or handling contact lenses.

This practice is critical for reducing the likelihood of infection transmission between patients and healthcare personnel.

Avoiding Eye Rubbing

Refraining from rubbing your eyes can help prevent eye damage such as ruptured blood vessels, dark circles, wrinkles, and corneal thinning. It also lowers the risk of eye infections and nerve damage in people with glaucoma.

To avoid eye rubbing, try to distract yourself with another activity when you feel the urge, and always keep your hands clean.

Stay Hydrated and Nourished

female pours drops in red eye

During the hot summer, staying hydrated and nourished is essential for your overall eye health. Drinking water and eating nutritious summer foods can help maintain good vision and prevent potential eye health issues.

Let’s discuss the importance of hydration and nutrition for your eyes.

Drinking Water

Adequate hydration is vital for preserving eye health, as it helps to keep the eyes moisturized and remove unwanted substances. Drinking water can also help reduce eye puffiness and dark circles by providing hydration to the eyes and eliminating waste products.

Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day to maintain proper eye function and overall health.

Nutritious Summer Foods

Eating nutritious summer foods, such as tomatoes, zucchini, green peppers, melon, and peaches, can be beneficial for your eyesight. These foods are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help maintain good eye health and provide hydration and refreshment during hot weather.

Incorporate these delicious and nutritious foods into your summer diet for optimal eye health.

Read also: Contact Lenses and Dry Eye Syndrome

Manage Dry Eyes and Allergies

dry eye vs. normal eye

Summer can be a challenging season for those who suffer from dry eyes and allergies. But don’t worry; there are ways to manage these issues and keep your eyes comfortable.

This section discusses how artificial tears and allergy management can help alleviate dry eyes and allergies.

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are eye drops that lubricate and moisten the eyes, alleviating dry eye symptoms. They can be used up to four times per day as needed to relieve itching and burning sensations associated with dry eyes and to facilitate surface healing.

If you find yourself needing eye drops on a regular basis, consult with your eye doctor to ensure you’re using the right type of artificial tears for your specific needs.

Allergy Management

Managing allergies during the summer can be challenging, but taking a proactive approach can help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms and prevent new allergies from developing. Allergy symptoms can be reduced by avoiding triggers and using medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroids.

Consult your healthcare provider or allergist to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.

Read also: Seasonal Allergies and Contact Lenses

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How to Take Care of Your Eyes in Summer: 10 Tips for Eye Care

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Prioritize Sleep and Rest

Sleep and rest for eye care

A good night’s rest is essential for overall health and plays a vital role in maintaining optimal eye health. Sleep deprivation can have severe consequences. It can cause eye strain, burst blood vessels, and dry eyes.

Prioritize sleep and create a sleep-friendly environment to ensure your eyes get the rest they need during the night. Let’s look at the importance of sleep for eye health and how to create a relaxing environment.

Importance of Sleep

Sleep has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, including aiding in cell repair, energy use regulation, concentration, cognitive function, immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and stress management.

By giving your eyes the necessary rest, you can prevent eye strain and other vision-related issues that may result from insufficient sleep.

Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment

To foster a conducive sleeping environment, ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Select comfortable bedding and supportive mattresses and pillows, and avoid using electronic devices in the bedroom before bedtime. Limiting your caffeine intake before bed can also improve the quality of your sleep, which will ultimately benefit your eye health.

See also: Can Sleeping With Contacts On Hurt Your Eyes?

Keep Up with Regular Eye Exams

Regullar eye exam test

Regular eye exams are essential for early detection of eye diseases, safeguarding your vision, and recognizing serious health conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, and high blood pressure. A minimum of every two years is recommended for an eye exam.

Let’s go over the advantages of routine eye exams and when they should be scheduled.

Benefits of Routine Checkups

Routine eye checkups can facilitate early detection of potential health issues, provide a reference point for your health, monitor any alterations as time progresses, and minimize healthcare costs in the long term.

Additionally, they can aid in diagnosing serious illnesses and chronic conditions, facilitating improved treatment outcomes.

When to Schedule an Exam

It is recommended to schedule an eye exam at least every two years to ensure your prescription is current and detect any potential health issues.

If you experience any changes in your vision or have a family history of eye diseases, it’s important to consult with your eye doctor and schedule an exam as needed.

Read more: Eye Exam and Vision Testing Basics 

Can I order contacts without prescription verification?

Yes you can order contact lenses withour prescription, you will need specific prescriptions from an eye health doctor, to ensure that your contacts fit correctly and provide better vision when worn.

Although having an accurate prescription is strongly recommended when ordering from our website, it is not required.

Only purchase contacts that have been recommended by an eye care professional. If this is your first time purchasing contact lenses, we recommend getting an eye exam.

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Protect Children’s Eyes

Children eye protection care

It is essential to protect children’s eyes in order to prevent injuries and ensure proper eye development. Children are more vulnerable to eye damage because their ocular lenses do not filter out UV light as effectively as adults.

In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of early eye protection, sunscreen, and eye safety for children.

Early Eye Protection

It is essential to protect children’s eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays, especially because up to 80% of an individual’s cumulative UVR exposure occurs before the age of 18. Parents should start teaching their children about eye protection early, including the importance of wearing sunglasses and hats outdoors.

It is important that children wear sunglasses with 100% UVA and UVB protection, as well as a wide-brimmed hat to protect their faces and necks. Parents should also be aware of the times of day when U. S. citizens arrive.

Sunscreen and Eye Safety

Applying sunscreen regularly, especially on the face, is crucial for protecting children’s eyes and skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Additionally, make sure they wear a hat with a wide brim and comfortable sunglasses when outdoors.

If sunscreen gets into your eyes, do not panic. Use fresh water to flush it out immediately. Opt for mineral-based sunscreens, as recommended by dermatologists.

See also: What Age Can Child Wear Contact Lenses


In conclusion, taking care of your eyes during the summer is crucial to maintain good vision, preventing potential eye health problems, and fully enjoying sunny days. Follow these ten essential tips to keep your eyes healthy and protected throughout the summer, from wearing proper eyewear and embracing sun-blocking accessories to maintaining eye hygiene and scheduling regular eye exams. So, soak up the sun while safeguarding your precious sight!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I protect my eyes from hot weather?

Taking a few preventative measures is necessary to protect your eyes from hot weather. Wear sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat to shield your eyes from direct sunlight. Consider wearing polarized lenses to reduce glare.

What are 7 ways to take care of your eyes?

Taking care of your eyes is important and easy to do! By following these 7 tips, you can help ensure your eyes are in good health: eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, wearing sunglasses, wearing protective eyewear, avoiding smoking, and knowing your family medical history. Taking the time to invest in your eye health now can have tremendous benefits in the future.

How do I keep my eyes healthy?

To keep your eyes healthy, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, wear protective eyewear when necessary, avoid smoking, get regular eye exams, and take regular breaks from screens. Additionally, to reduce the risk of infection, wear sunglasses and always wash your hands before touching your eyes.

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