Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

Many articles are written online about the benefits of wearing contact lenses. Some posts even emphasize why you should opt for contacts rather than glasses. But then other posts talk explicitly about how lenses are bad for your eye and how they can cause permanent blindness.

Some of them are lies. But at the same time, some of the information is very much true.

Just like everything in our world, even contacts remain great until it is abused or misused – especially the colored ones (which are the most likely victim). Also called colored, costume, or cosplay contact lenses, these lenses can propose a great level of eye damage.

But does that mean you should stop wearing colored contacts? The answer is no! You still can, especially if the proper contact lens care is taken.

In this article, we would debunk some myths, tell some truth, and show you how to use your contact lens the right way to avoid serious eye infections or again, permanent eye damage.

Contact lens problems

Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

When you wear contacts, you are susceptible to the following problems (yes, it is just the natural dark side of wearing contacts)

  1. Eye Irritation and Red Eye: The first probable problem with wearing your contacts is the risk of eye redness. Also called a blood-shot eye, it is when the blood vessels in the eye become inflamed and appear on the surface. Eye redness might seem harmless on the outside, but it usually doesn’t look good, not to mention that it is not pretty. Eye redness happens when the eye gets irritated or infected with lens deposits and bacterial infections.
  2. Burning sensation: Also resultant of lens-induced eye infection, a burning sensation is uncomfortable, causes pink eye, and its long-term effects can lead to vision loss.
  3. Less oxygen supply: Naturally, your eye needs oxygen to stay healthy and function. That means that the eye components, including the iris, cornea, and other parts need to breathe. by wearing contacts frequently, you are reducing how much oxygen gets into the eye. Corneal ulcer, corneal abrasion, and corneal reflex are three long-term effects of this, which might require a corneal transplant.
  4. Dry Eyes: Aside from less oxygen, your eye would also be losing moisture. The most commonly stated effects of these are itchy eyes, redness, and swelling. But your cornea is again, at risk. The tear film is a mixture of oil, water, and mucus layer that covers the cornea, keeping it protected. Without enough lubrication to produce tears, the tear film also becomes unstable. You would need immediate medical attention if this happens
  5. Increased Light Sensitivity: Your eyes, being exposed to all of the above are also bound to become sensitive to light. Light sensitivity is painful, and uncomfortable, and affects your eye health.
  6. Blurred Vision: Your vision is another area that gets caught up in the problems – and everyone knows how important vision is. If you over-use contacts or wear them over their expiration date, you could be at risky of vision loss.
  7. Itchy eyes: If you didn’t get it, there is also a risk of an itchy and highly discomforting eye. Knowing that it is not right to itch your eye while wearing contacts, this situation can be a real battle.
  8. Eye discharge: Finally, your everyday life could be infested with eye discharges. Smelling, irritating, and discomforting, they are like mucus sipping out from your eye -despite the lens. The discharge can either be green or yellow and it is a sure sign that you need immediate medical attention and an eye exam.

How to avoid the problems that comes with wearing contact lenses.

Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

The list above contained a lot of problems – almost like contacts are a bad thing. However, if you follow these few tips, you would be able to control those problems and live happily with your lenses.

Keep The Oxygen Flowing To Your Eyes

To do this, take frequent breaks with your lenses instead of keeping them on for an entire day. Use modern silicone hydrogel contacts instead of conventional soft contact lenses. If you follow these tips, you can keep the oxygen supply at a great level.

Clean Your Contact Lenses And Case

The next thing you need to do is keep the lens and the case clean. Don’t run your lens through tap water (which is a common practice). Every lens pack comes with a cleaning drop or solution, this is what you should use to take proper care of your contacts. Never use the salt solution on your glasses. The solution can be cleaned without using soap or water, but Dr. VanNurden recommends using gentle rubbing with your fingers.

Follow Your Contact Lens Replacement Schedule

In case you don’t already know, colored contacts don’t last forever. Some can only be used once while others can be used for a few days, weeks, or months. If your eye doctor allows it, you can use some versions repetitively for a year. However, no matter how long you are told to use it, ensure that you replace it when required.

Don’t sleep in your contact lenses (unless they are designed for it.)

Sleeping with your lens would increase the likelihood of dry eyes. While some people forget, others might give the excuse of just a nap. Regardless, if it becomes a habit, your eyes cannot afford the risks involved.

Don’t borrow or use unprescribed contacts

Ophthalmologists say they see contacts-related injuries all the time, despite regulatory changes. One in four women used non-prescription contact, most often from illegal sources such as costume shops or other shops. Approximately 60% reported swollen or pained eyes and redness. The rates for eye accidents increased from 86% for those with glasses borrowed or used by someone.

If there are still problems.. (visit the eye doctor)

Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

When you feel an itch, itching, or itchy sensation, do not just wait until it goes away. Take off your lens and call your eye doctor immediately. Infections will only worsen over time. An ocular ulcer needs treatment, the same goes for red eyes, blurred vision, and even eye discharge. So if you wish to be safe with contact lens use, contact a qualified eye doctor immediately. They will assess your eye fit to determine if they are suitable for contact lenses.

See recommended products:

Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

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Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

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Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

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Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to wear contact lenses every day?

It doesn’t matter which contact lens you buy. Naturally, all of the rules do not apply. Having red eyes or dry eyes might make them difficult if they are:

Do contact lenses worsen eyesight?

The answer is quite simple: No. Contact lens treatments can provide an excellent solution to any kind of vision problem.

Are contact lenses safe for the eyes?

Contact lens treatments may provide some benefits for the eye, but they don’t provide any total safety. If you don’t use contact lenses properly then you may have an infection that could lead you to microbial infections or keratitis.


Do Contact Lenses Damage Your Eyes? We (Debunk?) The Myths.

From the above, it can be seen that contacts are often dangerous when used improperly. But costume contacts are safe to wear if you see your doctor. Though, contact lens wear increases your chances of getting infections. Do not stay asleep. Clean it every day; change it as frequently as you should, maintain it the proper way, and get all the correct contact lenses.

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